What is the TIDES interview study?

The qualitative study interviewed TIDES survey particpants to further explore survey results. Nurses and healthcare assistants were selected for interview due to higher reported levels of experiencing and witnessing discrimination and bullying. 

The topic guide included questions about: 

  • Their work environment
  • Witnessing and experiencing discrimination
  • Reporting discrimination 
  • The impact of discrimination on health service use
  • Training available on discrimination and bullying


We completed data collection for our healthcare practitioner sample in February 2020; a total of 48 interviews were conducted with student and qualified nurses, healthcare assistants and nursing associates.

Thank you to everyone who participated and took the time to share their experiences with us.

We also interviewed senior staff to gain multiple perspectives across healthcare. A total of 24 interviews were completed between January 2021 and March 2021.


Existing interview data are being analysed using thematic analysis. Here is information about the first of a series of papers involving these data.