TIDES is being led by a team of researchers and academics at King’s College London and City, University of London. We do research to improve knowledge and understanding of inequalties in health and health service use.

Professor Stephani Hatch
Principal Investigator
Stephani is a Professor of Sociology and Epidemiology and head of the Health Inequalities Research Group in the Department of Psychological Medicine, King's College London, and is the Principal Investigator of the TIDES study. Stephani is also the Vice Dean for Culture, Diversity & Inclusion for the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience and founder of the Health Inequalities Research Network (HERON), which promotes integrated approaches to participatory research and public engagement in the community, and Co-director of the Health and Social Equity Collective. Stephani is a Co-Investigator for the ESRC funded Centre for Society and Mental Health, leading a programme focused on marginalised communities and mental health.

Dr Rebecca Rhead
Research Associate and Project Coordinator
Rebecca is a Lecturer in Society and Mental Health at the ESRC funded Centre for Society and Mental Health, and has a PhD in Social Statistics. In her previous work she has used quantitative research methods to study HIV (particularly barriers to care and treatment adherence) as well as military mental health and treatment needs. Rebecca's current work with TIDES focuses on harassment and discrimination in the NHS and taking and intersectional approach to patient healthcare inequalities.

Dr Cerisse Gunasinghe
Research Associate and Counselling Psychologist
Cerisse is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Counselling Psychologist in the Department of Psychological Medicine, IoPPN at King's College London. Cerisse is one of the lead coordinators of the Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services (TIDES) Study, the Hype (improving the Health of Young PeoplE) Project and the Health Inequalities Research Network (HERON). As a member of the HERON leadship team, Cerisse is Lead Co-ordindator for UP&RUNNING and works on RISE (Research methods in School Education) and the Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Youth Awards. Cerisse has worked to understand the experiences of, and advocate for vulnerable and marginalised groups through service-user involvement in her projects. She recognises the importance sharing this acquired knowledge with colleagues through training. Her research interests focus on reducing barriers to social and psychological support and educating community populations to help early identification and treatment of mental and physical health difficulties. Cerisse is also committed to the mentoring and peer-support of local students, early career minority ethnic women as well as allied healthcare professional in their pursuit of academic careers.

Dr Jessica Jones Nielsen
Reader and Counselling Psychologist
Jessica is a Reader and Counselling Psychologist in the Department of Psychology at City, University of London, and Associate Dean of People and Culture for the School of Arts and Social Sciences. She has a background in community-based participatory action research and examines the intersection between physical and mental health, and promoting engagement in positive health behaviours with particular emphasis on the experiences of ethnic minority community groups.

Dr Charlotte Woodhead
Lecturer and Project Coordinator
Charlotte is a Lecturer in Society & Mental Health at the ESRC funded Centre for Society and Mental Health at King's College London. Using insights from psychiatric and social epidemiology, and applied health research, her mixed methods research and public engagement activities focus on social/structural determinants of mental health inequalities. Specific interests include evaluation of complex social interventions to reduce inequalities in mental health and healthcare, including those led by communities affects; the role of the voluntary and community sector in mental health provision and equity of access; and, young adult mental health. Charlotte is also Co-director of the Health and Social Equity Collective and a Lead Co-ordinator of the HERON leadership team.

Dr Juliana Onwumere
Reader and Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Juliana is a Reader in the Department of Psychology, King's College London, and a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in London. Her research and clinical interests are focused on the experiences of mental health problems, their impact on families, and improving the development and access to evidence based psycho-social interventions, particularly in under-represented groups.

Lucy Ensum-Tolhurst
Research Programme Manager
Lucy is the Research Programme Manager for the Health Inequalities Research Group in the Department of Psychological Medicine at the IoPPN, King's College London. Lucy is an experienced administrator and project manager working for leading London universities since 2010.

Dr Ioannis Bakolis
Senior Lecturer
Ioannis is a Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics at the Department of Biostatistics and Department of Health Services and Population Research. His research interests are focused on quasi experimental designs, casual inference, hierarchical models, multivariate and variable selection techniques and their applications in policy evaluation, life-course, environmental and mental health epidemiology.

Zoe Chui
ESRC Funded PHD Candidate
Zoe is an ESRC funded PhD Candidate. Her thesis title is; Ethnicity and exposure to workplace violence for hospital-based and community nurses. This project, funded by an ESRC LISS DTP Collaborative (CASE) Studentship, and supervised by Professor Stephani Hatch, Dr Gerry Lee and Dr Habib Naqvi, aims to understand the nature and impact of workplace violence on the mental and physical health of hospital-based and community nurses across ethnic groups, and the barriers to reporting these incidents. The project partners with NHS England and builds on the TIDES study. For more information on the study please visit www.even-study.com.

Nathan Stanley
Research Assistant
Nathan is a Research Assistant in the Department of Psychological Medicine, King's College London and his primary responsibility is qualitative data collection and analysis for the TIDES study. He has a BSc in Biology and an MSc in Medicine, Health and Public Policy; and has previously worked in public health to help carry out research into sexual health.

MonaLisa Bora-White
Peer Researcher
Monalisa is a Research Coordinator in the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health NHS Partnership Trust and works on a portfolio of observational and interventional mental health research. Mona is a NHS Peer Researcher for the TIDES study.

Naomi Clifford
Peer Researcher
Naomi is a Research Assistant in the NHS and has worked in acute mental health services for 17 years, alongside gaining a Joint Honours BA in Education Studies and Early Years. Naomi is a NHS Peer Researcher for the TIDES study.

Paula Meriez
Peer Researcher
Paula works for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust as a Senior Clinical Mental Health Nurse. Paula is a NHS Peer Researcher for the TIDES study.

Helen Welsh
Virtual Reality Producer at Maudsley Learning
Helen is Media and Virtual Reality Producer at Maudsley Learning for South London and Maudsley Trust NHS Foundation Trust. Having previously worked within Nursing in the NHS for 5 years and in the Television Industry for 10 years, she now combines both passions to create a wide range of content for the NHS and global companies.