Lockdown Project 2021 - Health Care Professionals in PPE by Ruth Fraser

Rooted in her love of nursing, but unable to continue physically in that role, Ruth was inspired to produce this sequence of pictures to share her support for family, friends and anyone else in the health field who identifies with them.
This is her salute to health workers.

SELPh is a project that was launched in 2011 and ofers people in the community an opportunity to use photography to talk about everyday experiences.
SELPh is based on photovoice; a participatory research method in which individuals are given a voice through using photography to communicate issues important to them and effect change. SELPh members have a voice which contribute to a dialogue on wellbeing at work and tackle inequalities and discrimination in health services.
In June 2020, we launched a new FREE online photography project to explore and record the impact of COVID. Members of the public, including health and social care staff, contributed their photos to our gallery, invited to “have your say” and use photography to reflect on their current experiences.
This project was open to anyone aged 16+ and living in the UK. We invited group members to send us 1-3 photos each week about their experiences in lockdown. Submissions were added to our public gallery here on our website and also on our Instagram page (@selph_online).
Please check back soon for further details or visit www.heronnetwork.com for updates.

TIDES public engagement events are supported by the Health Inequalities Research Network (HERON) for more information visit: heronnetwork.com